This course is designed to introduce learners to the Spanish language. Students will be using similar techniques and learning strategies used by missionaries studying Spanish in the MTC and mission field. Students will be learning everything from the alphabet and pronunciation to vocabulary and how to carry on basic conversations and even pray in Spanish.

Earns one semester of Elective high school credit.

Course Curriculum

  • 1


    • Course Introduction

    • Course Syllabus

    • Course Credit

    • Course Readings

    • Reading Log

  • 2

    Chapter 1

    • Section 1

    • Alphabet Practice

    • Accentuation Activity

    • Cognates Practice

    • Quiz 1

  • 3

    Chapter 2

    • Section 2

    • Subject Pronouns Practice

    • Ser y Estar Activity

    • Negation Activity

    • Quiz 2

  • 4

    Chapter 3

    • Section 3

    • Common Expressions Activity

    • Questions Activity

    • Quiz 3

  • 5

    Chapter 4

    • Section 4

    • Weather Activity

    • Possessive Activity

    • Quiz 4

  • 6

    Chapter 5

    • Section 5

    • Present Regular Verb Activity

    • Stem and Spelling Changes

    • Quiz 5

  • 7

    Chapter 6

    • Section 6

    • Irregular Verbs Activity

    • Commands Activity

    • Quiz 6

  • 8

    Chapter 7

    • Section 7

    • Gender and Number Activity

    • Articles Activity

    • Quiz 7

  • 9

    Chapter 8

    • Section 8

    • Adjectives Activity

    • Demonstratives Activity

    • Quiz 8

  • 10

    Chapter 9

    • Section 9

    • Relative Activity

    • Suffix Activity

    • Quiz 9

  • 11

    Chapter 10

    • Section 10

    • Por y Para Activity

    • Gustar Activity

    • Quiz 10

  • 12

    Chapter 11

    • Section 11

    • Verb + Infinitive Activity

    • Verb Comparison Activity

    • Adverbs Activity

    • Quiz 11

  • 13

    Chapter 12

    • Section 12

    • Future Tense Activity

    • Quiz 12

    • Final

    • Reading Log Submission

About the instructor


Brother Dalton

Today is the day to begin your mastery of a beautiful language!

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