Course curriculum

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    The Ancient Origins of Theatre

    • Class 2: Ancient Greece

    • Greek Theatre Quiz

    • Class 3: Ancient Roman Theatre

    • Roman Theatre Quiz

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    Medieval Theatre

    • Class 4: Medieval Theatre Part 1

    • Class 5: Medieval Theatre Part 2

    • Medieval Theatre Quiz

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    Renaissance Theatre

    • Class 6: The Italian Renaissance

    • Class 7: Commedia dell 'arte

    • Italian Renaissance Theatre Quiz

    • Commedia dell'arte Assignment Instructions

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    Elizabethan Theatre

    • Class 8: Elizabethan Theatre Part 1

    • Class 9: Shakespeare

    • Class 10: Crash Course Video - Shakespeare

    • Elizabethan Theatre Quiz

    • "Shakespeare's Globe" Assignment

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    17th Century European Theatre

    • Class 11: French Neoclassical Theatre

    • French Neoclassical Theatre Quiz

    • Class 12: English Restoration Comedy

    • Restoration Comedy Quiz

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    Sentimentalism, Melodrama, Romanticism

    • Class 13: Sentimentalism

    • Class 14: Wrapping up Sentimentalism; moving on to Melodrama/Romanticism

    • Sentimentalism, Melodrama, Romanticism Quiz

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    Musical Theatre

    • Class 15: Origins of Musical Theatre

    • Musical Theatre Origins Quiz

    • Class 16: The American Musical

    • The American Musical Quiz

    • Class 17: Oklahoma to Spectacle

    • Class 18 (Part 1): Current Trends in Musical Theatre

    • Oklahoma to Current Trends Quiz

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    Realism & Naturalism

    • Class 18 (Part 2): Introduction of Realism

    • Class 19: Realism in Theatre

    • Class 20: Naturalism

    • Realism/Naturalism Quiz

    • Class 21: 20th Century Realism

    • READING: O'Neill/Long Day's Journey Into Night

    • O'Neill/Long Day's Journey Into Night Reading Quiz

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    Beyond Realism

    • Class 22: 20th Century Movements & Playwrights

    • READING: Miller/Death of a Salesman

    • Miller/Death of a Salesman Quiz

    • Class 23: Finishing Up/Final Project

    • Beyond Realism Quiz

    • Final Project Instructions

    • Class 24: Conclusion