Course curriculum

  • 2

    2 - Learning the Basics : lesson book pf 5 - 9 and theory pg 4

    • Lesson 2 Video

    • 2 - Quiz

    • Homework

  • 3

    3 - Intro to Music Notation : lesson book 14 -15

    • Lesson 3 Video

    • 3 - Quiz

    • Homework

  • 4

    4 - Intro to Timing : lesson book 10

    • Lesson 4 Video

    • 4 - Quiz

    • Homework

  • 5

    5 - Playing Your First Song : lesson pg 16 -17

    • Lesson 5 Video

    • 5 - Quiz

    • Homework

    • Practicing Order

  • 6

    6 - Learning the Next Songs : lesson book pg 18 - 19

    • Lesson 6 Video

    • 6 - Quiz

    • Homework (new practice times)

    • Practice Order PDF

  • 7

    7 - Learning Intervals: lesson book 20-21

    • Lesson 7 Video

    • 7 - Quiz

    • Homework

  • 8

    8 - Reviewing Stepping up and Down : lesson book pg 22-24

    • Lesson 8 Video

    • 8 - Quiz

    • Homework

  • 9

    9 - Learning More Left Hand Notes : lesson book pg 25 -27 & theory pg 19

    • Lesson 9 Video

    • 9 - Quiz

    • Homework

  • 10

    10 - Learning to Play with the Metronome

    • Lesson 10 Video

    • 10 - Quiz

    • Homework

  • 11

    11- Learning Spaces, Rests, and Ties : lesson pgs 30-35 & theory pg 15, 27

    • Lesson 11 Video

    • 11 - Quiz

    • Homework

  • 12

    12 - Learning 8th Notes : lesson pgs 36 -39 and 40 -41

    • Lesson 12 Video

    • 12 - Quiz

    • Homework (new practice times!)

  • 13

    13 - Continuing to Learn : lesson pg 42 -45

    • Lesson 13 Video

    • 13 - Quiz

    • Homework

  • 14

    14 - Learning Staccatos & Dotted Half Notes : lesson pg 46-49 & theory pg 35

    • Lesson 14 Video

    • 14 - Quiz

    • Homework

  • 15

    15 - Reviewing the Different C's & Learning 8va : Lesson book pg 54, 56 & 58-59

    • Lesson 15 Video

    • 15 - Quiz

    • Homework

  • 16

    16 - Reviewing Intervals & Learning Music Form : lesson pgs 62, 62, 65, and 66-67

    • Lesson 16 Video

    • 16 - Quiz

    • Homework

  • 17

    17 Learning Sharps & Half Steps : lesson book 68-71 & theory pg 50

    • Lesson 17 Video

    • 17 - Quiz

    • Homework (new practice times!)

  • 18

    18 - Learning Flats & Naturals : pgs 72-75 & theory pg 51, 52

    • Lesson 18 Video

    • 18 - Quiz

    • Homework

  • 19


    • Lesson 19 Video

    • 19 - Quiz

    • Homework

  • 20

    20 - Brining it All Together : lesson pg 80-81 & 84-85

    • Lesson 20 Video

    • 20 - Quiz

    • Homework

  • 21

    21 - Continuing to Learn : lesson pgs 88-89

    • Lesson 21 Video

    • 21 - Quiz

    • Homework

  • 22


    • Lesson 22 Video

    • 22- Quiz

    • Homework

  • 23

    Final Quiz

    • Final Quiz